Dear Japan, Prepare for Culture shock

Here human milk stays in our womens’ chest and its not for sale,its for the baby, we dont go there.

Am reliably informed by our esteemed media th


at this week Tokyo will be moving to Nairobi for The TICAD conference. Ladies and gentlemen, Youkoso Kenya. Am sure that you know something about Kenya, who doesn’t? I mean our son runs the most powerful empire, our athletes are doing rounds on the rest in Rio, Our MCA’s benchmark devolution with Uganda, our security guards disappear with millions. I mean, you must know something about us.

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Of Fertility and men Shooting Blanks……


Until last week, it was a hushed topic, almost taboo, spoken of in whispers as if the ghosts were listening or the gods would strike with lighting and throw in thunder for good measure.

Then Stephen Ngila happened. If you live under a rock, Stephen, a ‘God-fearing’ tailor- man was at one time married to Jackline Mwende, a beautiful lady. Mwende alleges that after seven years of marriage, no kids, lots of violence,separation and societal interventions, hell came visting and it’s fury was bad .

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Wanyororo, Nothing Beats Home!!

You only got one childhood
And the memories that spring
When you see your house, the tree you climbed
And all those precious things
The faces of the friends I had
The images that flow
When I close my eyes in the land I love
The land I was born…….(Roger Whittaker My Land is Kenya)bibelklub wanyororo

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Wairimu;Till natural death do us part, not murder

Your friends are furious with me, some have called me names, some I suspect are just jealous of your upcoming family life. Their bone of contention, the 49 days the gods had given me to be single. They say that the deadline passed last week. How do they get to know such stuff? My friend Kags tells me that all girls have a fiancée vetting committee, is this your committee? I also noted your concerned tone on Friday on the same. Nimmo, let me lay your concerns to rest; when the gods said 49 days, they meant 49 government days, clear? No? Ok, what they meant was it was 49 days excluding weekends, holidays, leaves and emergencies. If you factor in all the above you and I have 34 days and 11 hours.

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Mutua Kisilu; The exception to our Hashtag Crazed Nation

When TJRC was setup in 2008, the simpletons in our land jubilated, the more experienced ones shook their tired heads as they knew what hot air all this commission was going to be. Who could blame their cynicism?

TJRC was part of the accountability component of Agenda Four of the National Accord signed in 2008, set up to address the cause and effects of historical injustices and gross violations of human rights and thus contribute towards national unity, reconciliation, and healing. The Commission’s brief was simple: investigate the gross human rights violations and other historical injustices in Kenya between 12 December 1963 and 28 February 2008.

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Of the Short and their misery


I have followed closely the implementation of our much touted katiba on Minorities and marginalized groups and I strongly feel that one group has been left out, the short peoples of Kenya. By design and conspiracy (by the tall people, the constitution and institutions), the short peoples have systematically been subjected to humiliations and have literally always had the short end of the stick. Never mind that they are not short everywhere.

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Of the Kenyan Youth and Disappointments


Dear Mr. President,

I hope you are well.

Good sir, am not sure how you normally spend your free time, if you have any, given the headache that is running a bandit economy, but if you do, I would propose that you watch Sepideh; Reaching for the stars on Aljazeera. It’s the story of a young Iranian girl with astronomical dreams, literally. She wants to be an astronaut. However Sepideh faces monumental obstacles, from losing her father to socio religious barriers. long story short, she challenges her family and society to pursue her dream and as I write to you is on her way to achieving them. When you watch, you will understand how.

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I will Marry you but…

My future First lady, I hope you are well.It’s been long since I last wrote to you. I don’t know whether you deliberately leak the letters I send you or your friends have a way of getting them without your consent. I am saying this because since I stopped writing to you, I have received messages from your friends indicating how they miss my letters.

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My future wife here is the final draft

They say that the best time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining. The sun is truly shining on us. Oohhh I forgot to tell them that we finally met. Yes my future wife and I met a few weeks ago! She is truly a work of art and yes she has short hair and dimples and no she is not one of the Moipei girls but that’s a story for another day. Her name is exotic too, when am able to pronounce it without biting my kikuyu tongue, I will announce it.

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3 Graves Later….

I have ridden in a hearse three time. All the three times the vehicle has found its way into my father’s compound. I have sat through three funeral services, didn’t hear a thing the preacher said, I have sat there staring at caskets, each bearing the body of my brothers. Nothing prepare you for such moments. Nothing prepares you to watch your mother cry, to watch your father try be strong because he is a man but you know he is devastated. Even for a chatterbox like me, words simply refuse to leave your mouth when your nieces and nephews ask you what happened to their father and uncle.

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